Flipping America

Flipping America 333, "Are We In a Real Estate Bubble?"



I hear it everywhere I go, like the constant drumbeat of the real estate Chicken Littles: “The Sky is Falling! The Real Estate market is going to crash again. And it’s going to happen soon! The logic seems to be that real estate must be cyclical and we must have a major market shake up every ten years or so. That means it’s time. We are going to talk about this today and for an informed an credible opinion, I reached out to Logan Mohtashami. He is the Senior Loan Manager at AMC Lending Group, a mortgage company in the Los Angeles area. But more than a lender, Logan’s career-long passion is studying the financial and housing markets. He has been tracking these markets for two decades, has seen good times and bad times, analyzed the data, run the numbers, and he is staying up to the minute on the developments. If there is anyone out there who is completely credible and qualified to speak on this subject, it is Logan Mohtashami. And in a few minutes, he is going to lower the boom with his answer.