Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

276: 10+ Surprising Signs Your Stress Is Out of Control + How to Fix It



Today’s episode is devoted to understanding and recognizing when stress is out of control, like mine was for too many years.  These are things that you may think of as a “normal” part of life, or that they’re inevitable for the world we live in. But really, they are signals that your body is constantly being maxed out, stressed out, and worn out—and it needs to change! I will also be sharing what you can do naturally to reverse the vicious stress response mode and survival hormone cascade, so this is an episode you don’t want to miss. Tune in to hear:   The story of how I realized I had reached a breaking point—and my stress was slowly killing me 10+ signs that your stress is at a tipping point and is causing more lasting damage to your body How your stress connects to other stubborn symptoms like weight gain, brain fog, and food cravings A simple, daily protocol to become more objectively aware of your stressors to balance cortisol, stop your stress in its tracks, and reclaim vibrant energy   Mentioned