Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

274: Why Are So Many Women Struggling with Insulin Resistance and Poor Metabolic Function?



I know how frustrating it is to gain weight out of nowhere—and nothing you do seems to make any difference. Over the course of less than a year, I gained 30 pounds even though I made NO changes to my exercise or diet plan… and no amount of sweating it out in the gym was making that weight budge!   If you’ve ever experienced weight resistance, you know the struggle. Your metabolism has tanked and it feels like you’re destined to size up your clothes and say goodbye to energy.    But here’s what I discovered: there are so many other hormones and factors that slow your metabolic function, drive insulin resistance, and make that weight stick fiercely to your midsection. But there are also some simple, proven ways to get it back on track!   Join me today to learn:   The major hormones and lifestyle factors that lead to stubborn weight gain and poor metabolic health Simple lifestyle recommendations to boost metabolic function and insulin sensitivity Tips to make your workout actually effective (so it doesn’t lea