Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

532: How to Overcome Perfectionism and Self-doubt By Unapologetically Embracing Your Fully Awesome Self with Kristina Mand-Lakhiani



We’ve all felt the need to be perfect. Sometimes when life feels out of our control, we overcompensate and try to influence things we think we can change.  But this usually just leads to more exhaustion.  As a society, we often try too hard to be perfect. Whether it’s work, parenting, or self-care, the tendency of trying to be perfect often leads us to become more anxious and stressed out.  Especially in this busy modern world, we need to remind each other that just because we push harder and we try to accomplish more– it won’t always lead to success. So, how do we let go of striving for unrealistic standards of perfection, so we can take better care of ourselves?  Kristina Mand-Lakhiani is here to share that with us today. Her new book Becoming Flawesome, guides us through how to learn to be comfortable with our true, authentic selves, rather than trying to live up to others' expectations or put too much pressure on ourselves.  Kristina teaches us strategies to incorporate more self-love into our every day-