Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

531: How to Create Metabolism-Loving Meals that Can Fix your Blood Sugar and Ward Off Chronic Disease



Over the past decade, I’ve developed and tested the blueprint for my forthcoming Metabolism and Hormone Reset Course on myself and countless patients.  And the results have been life-changing.  One of the focal points of this program is to start building metabolically-healthy meals that combine an ideal balance of the most important nutrients, portions, and foods in order to supercharge the healing process. In this week’s podcast, I tease out SEVEN of these life-changing tips from the upcoming course and you do NOT want to miss it. Mentioned in this Episode:  FREE Guide [Download] – 5 Hacks to Blunt a Blood Sugar Spike  LMNT Electrolyte Mix – Get my personal discount one of my favorite intermittent fasting tools EVER  Gluco Support – Conquer cravings and stress-eating with my custom blend of science-backed herbs. Magnesium Restore – Give your cells the energy they need to build muscle, regulate your blood sugar, and boost your metabolism.  Additional Resources: #476: How to Pivot in Perimenopause to Increas