Htw With Zoe And Erica

121. Take Your Vagina to the Gym with Dr. Stephanie Schull



Read 'em and weep:  75% of people with vaginas have some degree of pelvic organ prolapse 66% of people with vaginas have some degree of bladder leakage 43% of people with vaginas have a form of sexual dysfunction Dr. Stephanie Schull is the creator and founder of Kegelbell,  the first FDA-registered, externally-weighted kegel system designed to treat and prevent the negative effects of a weak pelvic floor. A weak pelvic floor can cause massive and unpleasant health issues, and it’s incredible how quickly and easily you can turn things around. This is entirely preventative, but let’s be honest: The downsides here are something you really, really want to prevent. Stephanie brings fun and levity to a conversation about topics many are too embarrassed or ashamed to talk about, and that makes it easy to absorb. So sit back, relax, and listen... or even better, do some Kegels while you wait for your new gym to arrive.   Dr. Stephanie Schull talks about... What is the pelvic floor and what go