Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

I know you know… but are you doing? EP 216



Knowing versus doing. There are so many things that I know what to do, I know I should do, I maybe even want to do, however I have a problem actually doing them. Take for example eating better. I know what to do, I even want to do it, But deep down I am unwilling to take action. I actually feel like something is being taken away from me when it comes to eating better. It doesn’t make logical sense but that’s what it feels like. Knowing isn’t enough because it’s the doing that matters. The other thing I talk about in this episode is the value of support groups. Often we can hide in one on one counseling. In other words, I don’t have to be as exposed when I’m not in a group. The value of support groups are that I can go deeper faster, I build connection and community with others, when other people share it’s as if I’m sharing as well, I don’t feel so alone, and lastly, I have an opportunity to help others. If you’ve ever considered finding a support group I believe it’s one of the most under utilize resources t