Medicine On Call With Dr. Elaina George

Closing the “GAPS” Between Nutrition and Chronic Disease



Jennifer Scribner, Functional Nutritional Therapy practitioner and certified GAPS practitioner discusses the connection between nutrition and our digestive system, mental health, immune system, and chronic disease. Jennifer Scribner is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner trained by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride in 2011. Her specialty is helping people learn and follow this specific diet to address autism and complex digestive and autoimmune conditions. She’s the author of From Mac & Cheese to Veggies, Please. How to get your kid to eat new foods, end picky eating forever, and stay sane in the process and the Navigating GAPS Daily Journal: 90 days of tracking patterns and progress on the GAPS Nutritional Protocol. Learn more about how to implement this diet and start on the path to self-healing at [Jennifer Scribner – About] • [Body Wisdom Nutrition – Work with Jennifer] • [GAPS Diet – Explained]