Suicide Prevention Australia

57: Australian Institute of Suicide Research and Prevention LiFE Award winners - Research



We speak with Dr Kairi Kolves, who is the Principal Research Fellow and Course Convener at AISRAP. The Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention (AISRAP) has been a research centre at Griffith University since 1996, delivering high quality research, clinical services, training & education in suicide prevention.. Since 2008 AISRAP has been a National Centre of Excellence in suicide prevention informing the Department of Health on policy, prevention and best-practice initiatives nationally. AISRAP is the only World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Suicide Prevention in Australia, and one of only five centres in the world of this kind. AISRAP made significant contributions to the 2014 WHO Preventing suicide: A global imperative report and has collaborated with numerous stakeholders in suicide research and prevention both nationally and internationally over the past 2 decades. Its researchers are highly respected international experts, with over 200 peer-