Suicide Prevention Australia

53: Wendy French, LiFE Award winner - Community Development (Individual)



Wendy French has worked in a variety of suicide prevention programs in Tasmania and throughout Australia. She was responsible for implementing a local site of a national suicide bereavement service in North West Tasmania, which she then managed for five years. 2009-2013). In addition to her “day job” providing Suicide Prevention and Mental Health training to workplaces throughout Tasmania, Wendy has created Talking About Suicide to assist people to have conversations with people at risk of or bereaved by suicide, and is an ambassador for local charity Stigma No More. Her attitude of “Tasmanians helping each other out” is evident in her use of her “spare time”, supporting individuals, families and communities after hours, on weekends, and in the middle of the night, travelling wherever she was needed and ensuring that anyone who needed information and support could get it, when they needed it. Following a suicide in Tasmania which had a terrible impact on a small rural community, Wendy was contacted by members