Suicide Prevention Australia

40: Alternatives to Suicide – what does this really mean?



From Monday, 20 April to Thursday, 23 April 2017, Tracy McCown (Manager, SPA Lived Experience Network) and Sue Murray (SPA CEO) attended numerous forums and discussions on an innovative, peer-led Alternative To Suicide Support Group program from the Western Massachusetts Recovery Learning Center (USA). Podcast length: 6m 30 sec. It is so important to talk openly and safely about suicide but, if listening to this triggers difficult emotions in you, please talk about how you’re feeling with a trusted family member, friend or people at one of our partner organisations. Call Lifeline on 131114, MensLine 1300 78 99 78, Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 or Kids Helpline 1800 551800 FREE. For a comprehensive list of Australian support and services available visit Outside of Australia? Find local support TRANSCRIPT: Alternatives to Suicide – what does this really mean? And in particular,