Frightday: Horror, Paranormal, & True Crime

Behind the Screams: Hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Pt. 1



This is a preview of the content you can expect when you support us by joining the Frightday Society at Part two will be available the day after this episode releases, so if you want more, it's there.  Last year, on May 17th, 2022 members of the United States House Intelligence Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence and Counterproliferation held congressional hearings with top military officials to discuss military reports of unexplained aerial phenomena (UAPs) We talked about that on a previous episode of this show and honestly...not to much was said, at least during the public portion, beyond confirming the number of reported UAP sightings by pilots and military officials were around 400 (and that most of these incidents remain unidentified).  Although not a member of the committee, Representative Tim Burchett of Tennessee was in attendance and later criticized the Pentagon’s transparency and dismissiveness of the notion that UFO’s could be extraterrestrial cr