Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

542: Why Everyone Should Care About Their Glucose Levels And Research Backed Strategies To Improve Your Glucose with Kara Collier



Keeping your blood sugar balanced allows you to optimize your metabolism, lets you feel alert and energized, and also prevents chronic illness and disease.  But how do we make sure our blood sugar is in check?  Kara Collier joins me today in my podcast as the creator of Nutrisense, a continuous glucose monitor that tracks blood sugar levels. And anyone can use Nutrisense! Now, you may have heard me rave about my love for continuous glucose monitors– or CGMs– but why am I so passionate about such a little device? With the feedback you get from a CGM, you can learn so much about what’s happening with your body in relation to your diet, lifestyle, and behaviors.  When you use a CGM, you’re seeing the trends in your blood sugar levels in real-time, and you can get loads of useful insight into your metabolic health.  Kara and I are here today to inspire you to take the leap and try a CGM. Because the information you get from it will change the trajectory of your health and your life.  And Nutrisense isn’t just a C