Princeton Theological Seminary

Dr. Joel Jin | Workshop | 2022 Mental Health and Asian Americans Conference



January 24, 2022 | Mental Health and Asian Americans: Contexts and Strategies for Faith Leaders Workshop: "Pastoring a Congregation of Whole People, Not Perfect People" Asian American Christians can struggle with the experience of not feeling good enough. They perceive a gap between where they ideally ought to be and where they actually are. Across their personal, professional, and even spiritual lives, there is a tendency to expect perfection yet fall short of it. In turn, we might present ourselves as perfect, never offering ourselves the opportunity for care and healing. Although setting standards for ourselves is healthy, we are burdened when we feel like we constantly fall short of them. Dr. Jin’s workshop equips church leaders to support Asian American Christians in becoming more whole people, not perfect people. We learn about different types of perfectionism and how this applies to Asian American Christians. We discuss practical strategies from the pulpit to pastoral counseling. Speaker: Dr. Joel J