Chats With Gigi

How Radical Self-Care Can Change the World feat. Shelly Tygielski



Today’s topic is one that is so close to my heart, self-care! By now you’ve probably heard my burnout story of ending up in an ER due to depletion and overwork. This was a few years ago while I was working on my Master's degree, holding two jobs (radio and TV) managing GiGi’s Academy (my first business) and picking up freelance gigs for extra income. It took me years to learn to release the guilt I used to feel when I paused to take care of my mental and physical health. It was especially difficult to learn to let go of the guilt of saying NO to what I used to call “opportunities” that were really just shiny objects; cool to have but not really catapulting me to my big goals. However, when I learned to release that guilt, when I learned to nurture my mind, body and spirit first and foremost, I immediately saw shifts and changes in my life that brought me abundance beyond my dreams, my life partner, stronger relationships and JOY. This lesson is what planted the seed of my Seizing Happy® coaching organization