Pryant And Bat: Prodcast Hourn

Pryant and Bat: Prodcast Hourn Ep 06: The "No Show" Show



THIS IS IT...ANOTHER WEEK...MORE PAIN... PRYANT...BAT...WE TALK ABOUT THE REALEST SHIT EVER... But, unfortunately, we're lying...and there is no show today... Anyways, today's topics include: Stupid dummies, new promo codes (!), Java Monster, France, Naked Juice, THE CONCEPT OF TIME, smoothies, Descartes, the equinox, 4th dimension, Prodcast secrets, Jack Links, grave cameras, tangential shit, Mick Foley, McFoley, McFillet, FAMILYGUYISSOFUNNYLOLOLOLOL, lightning-round(!), intramural sports, ugliest national flag, shoes, The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase, sexiest ethnicity, aliens, poodles, sadism, communism, green tea, crystal meth, Crystal Method, spinach, prog-rock, Skrillex, doughnuts, Korea, The Cure, cavemen, Pangea, Thanksgiving, cheddar, corn, garden mazes, Chipotle, knick-knacks, Chris Jericho, tacos, Chris Benoit, Mother Teresa, Furby, Giga Pets, action figures, badgers, wolverines, disembowelment, nervous breakdowns, El Topo, Topo Gigo, Ed Begley Jr. Ed Sullivan, Ciabatta, What is American?, UFC