Grouchy Club Podcast - Kate Copstick & John Fleming

How to publicise an Edinburgh Fringe show - Grouchy Club Podcast 17



Kate Copstick on how Edinburgh Fringe publicity works, the importance (or not) of PR people, how to twist reviewers’ words and much more.PLUS a preamble including Mel Moon, Milton Jones, Darren Walsh, Graeme Garden, Phil Nichol, Wil Hodgson, Christian Talbot, Trevor Noah, Reggie Watts, Chris Lynam, Miss Behave, Janey Godley, Richard Herring, Juliette Burton, Alfie Brown, Kunt & The Gang, Bob Slayer, Daniel Sloss, George Egg, the Malcolm Hardee Awards and Russian Egg Roulette. PLUS the first of 21 things you did not know about