Brooklyn Monk In Asia Podcast

Episode 13 Brooklyn Monk in Asia Podcast 13: The Best Interview for the Worst Job Ever



Some people say giving your two weeks notice is the most liberating feeling in the world. You could bring a portable TV and a box of popcorn to work, kick back in your office and challenge the company to fire you. But there is something even better, interviewing for a job you don't want. It is one of the only times you are free to speak your mind. And, you can let out the stress from every time you ever laughed at the boss's jokes that weren't funny,or every time someone in the corporate world failed to realize what a unique and wonderful snowflake you are. Your mother thought you were wonderful, why can't everyone else see it? If you're feeling low, just need a little pick-me-up, go on an interview for a job you don't want, and just cut loose. Brooklyn Monk in Asia Podcast (anti-travel humor) Twitter website facebook Brooklyn Monk fan page Subscribe to youtube