Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

544: Losing 16 lbs, Healing Stress, PMS and Feeling Amazing As A New Mom (Bruna Beckerman's Metabolism Success Story)



We’re doing things differently with today’s podcast… and I can’t wait to share why.  I’ve been joined by the inspiring Bruna Beckerman– who’s had so much success since joining my Metabolism and Hormone Reset Course. And she’s here to walk you through her incredible journey to boosting her metabolism, losing over 16 pounds, and feeling great in her body again.  Once you hear her story, you’ll be so excited to learn how to optimize your metabolism, too. Every single one of us can benefit from cellular metabolism so we make energy more efficiently and in turn, we can do the things we love– without compromise. We ALL want enough energy just to move our bodies, right? So we can create even more energy. And this is exactly the reason that Bruna came to me and my course.  I want you to hear it all from her, in her own words today. Because like many of us, she didn't know where to start. But she committed, and with her consistency in following the program– she got the really incredible results she was looking for. Sh