

A single pound of vanilla beans costs, on average, $300, making it the second most expensive spice in the world, second to saffron. So what exactly makes this spice so expensive? Surprisingly the answer to this question basically comes down to a little bee! Learn about vanilla's history, its uses, and its fascinating blooming cycle on today's deep dive into vanilla with certified clinical aromatherapist Cheryl Whitten. You'll also learn the difference between vanilla extract, vanilla essential oil, vanilla oleoresin, and so much more. See full show notes for this episode HERE. Leave us a review while you’re there. Learn more about Cheryl Whitten on her site HERE. Lookin’ for some podcast goodies? I’ve got ya covered! Shop our t-shirts, swag, and other popular products HERE New to essential oils? Here is my free guide to help you demystify this topic  FREE Essential Oils Guide. Our website is View hundreds of Essential Oil Recipes in our DIY Dugout Thank you to our amazing sponsor