The Essential Oil Revolution | Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, And Healthy Living By Samantha Lee Wright |powered By Revolution

245: The "Just-Add-Water" Biz for Heart-Centered Folks w/ The Oola Guys



This week we are excited to welcome back to the show the Oola Guys - Dr. Dave (the OolaSeeker) and Dr. Troy (the OolaGuru), who are world-renowned experts in proper work-life balance. "Oola" is when your life is balanced and growing in the seven key areas of life; the 7 F’s of Oola (fitness, finance, family, field, faith, friends, and fun.) The OolaGuys recently co-founded the Oola Life Coaching Network, certifying Oola Coaches on how to get results and transform lives by guiding clients through the Oola Framework. They are committed to building an army of good humans, with a heart for helping others, to changing the world with one word –– Oola. See if Oola Coaching is for you: Purchase your copy of Samantha’s book, Pineapple Podcasting HERE or on Amazon. New to essential oils? Master the basics with our FREE Essential Oils Course. Submit a Recipe to the DIY Dugout by emailing  Sign up for our newsletter HERE.  Come say hi on Facebook and Instagram.