

Today we we are joined by Kyrin Dunston, MD and dive into what’s on everyone’s mind: Coronavirus (COVID-19). We’ll distinguish what’s factual from what’s hype, what helps prevent infection (and what doesn’t….) and separate the actual threat from what may be triggered, old trauma.   One huge immune system depressant is stress…don’t go down the social media feed rabbit hole and click on every post….know where you can find trusted sources of factual information, take the precautions, and find ways to make the most of new circumstances.  Her Brilliant Health podcast with Dr. Kyrin   Vitamin D (100,000 units daily for 4 days), Vitamin A (100,000 units daily for 4 days), Liposomal Zinc, powdered Liposomal Vitamin C  Dr. Kyrin's recommendations: Designs for Health Liquid Purified Silver Douglas Laboratories - A-Potene - Beta-Carotene Supplement for Antioxidants and Immune Support , Thorne Research - Vitamin D-10,000 Designs for Health C+BioFizz Effervescent Powder (or try NOW Supplements, Effer-C™, Elderberry, Vi