

In today’s episode we dive into the very specific period known as postpartum and discuss, with Krystina Valadez, ways to care for yourself and your newborn. Take the mystery out of using essential oils and educate yourself on the best ways to use these tools during this very special and very sensitive time!   See full show notes for this episode HERE. (You can also leave a comment there on the site) Postpartum oils: lavender, jasmine, sweet orange, ylang ylang, rose, neroli  For stress: bath with lavender and chamomile  For milk production: geranium and clary sage (1 drop in 5 mL carrier oil) in a breast massage   For mastitis: hot compress or cabbage leaves with geranium, clary sage, or lavender (or a hot shower!) (free resource tab!)  YouTube channel: Motherly Journey   New to essential oils? Master the basics with our FREE Essential Oils Course. Our website is View hundreds of Essential Oil Recipes in our DIY Dugout Get behind-the-scenes access and beco