

Today’s episode covers the emotionally charged topic of cancer. Katie Leadbetter and Alyssa Garcia were both young when they were diagnosed with cancer. Fortunately they both emerged on the other side of illness, passionate about sharing what has worked for them in their journeys down the path of cancer diagnosis and treatment. Making the decision to implement lifestyle changes—changes in exercise, diet, and mental outlook—are a key factor in sustaining a state of remission. While conventional cancer treatments remove the physical cancer from the body, changing the environment in which cancer first appeared can help maintain our health for years to come.  See full show notes for this episode HERE. (You can also leave a comment there on the site) Oils for support during cancer treatment: lavender essential oil, frankincense essential oil, Stress Away essential oil blend (Young Living): copaiba oil, lime oil, cedarwood oil, ocotea oil,   lavender oil, Valor essential oil blend (Young Living): black spruce oil,