

If you want to get healthy and regain a balanced metabolism, choose quality over quantity! In this episode, we dive into the main factors preventing Americans from experiencing the natural health and balance that is the human birthright. Join us as we speak with Dr. Eric Zelinski, author, aromatherapist, public health researcher, chiropractor, and natural living educator, about the role of nutrient-dense, bioactive foods and essential oils in creating and maintaining a vibrant, healthy lifestyle.  “Just Say No!” to the status quo! Listen in to learn how to reclaim your natural health and vitality. No need to exclude entire food groups or follow fad diets. Simply choose high quality whole foods and essential oils, and watch your body reset to health.    See full show notes for this episode HERE. (You can also leave a comment there on the site) The Essential Oils Diet by Dr. Eric and Sabrina Zelinski  The Healing Power of Essential Oils by Dr. Eric Zeliniski  Click HERE for recipe's mentioned New to essential