Inspiring Personal Development Interviews With Salespeople, Trainers, Coaches & Authors. Gary Vaynerchuk, Mel Robbins, Grant

Learn the importance of Data-Driven Marketing - Episode #347 with Joel Buhr



The entrepreneur, businessman, and consultant, who owns multiple companies and serves on corporate boards for both non-profit and profit corporations, possesses extensive experience in sales, business, and life. He is driven by strong core values that are tied to strong moral and ethical standards. His goal is to make a positive impact on everyone he meets. He is a proud father of two, a husband, a public speaker, and a consultant. For many individuals and corporations, he is considered to be the go-to guy that they can trust. His aim is to leave a lasting impact on everyone he interacts with, making the world a better place for his family and future generations. Through years of experience, including both success and failures in business and life, he has learned to improve and grow. He values honesty and transparency in all his relationships and has built a strong network. In 2005, he founded First Direct, a data-centric marketing agency that revolutionized the way many companies are marketing and has positi