Flipping America

Flipping America 610, Painless Investing



These days nurses or doctors say “you’re going to feel a little pinch” right before they stick you with a needle. In my younger days when men were tough, women were strong, and all the children were above average, they would just say “this is going to hurt a little.” If you think real estate investing has to hurt a little before it starts feeling good - today’s show is for you - Painless Real Estate Investing. Nathan Payne – thats p-a-y-n-e is going to join us today to talk about his approach to investing he calls “painless.” I think it’s painless - p-a-i-n-less, but with Payne - P-a-y-n-e. Anyhoo - you’re going to hear how Nathan has made it as easy as possible for someone brand new to get into the game.