Craft Beer Radio Podcast Extras

CBR 513: Postshow



In this episode of the podcast, we delve into a variety of intriguing topics. Firstly, we explore the science behind tides and the role the moon plays in their creation. We discuss how the gravitational influence of the moon squeezes the ocean, causing bulges and pumping action. We also touch upon the varying levels of tides in different locations and how the geometry of a place can affect this phenomenon. Our conversation then takes an interesting turn as we delve into the concept of 0.999999 repeating being equal to 1. We explain that, mathematically, the two numbers are indeed the same, but acknowledge the challenges in grasping this concept due to the complexities surrounding infinity. The topic of discussion then shifts towards intriguing research and peculiar awards. We explore the Ig Nobel Awards, which highlight thought-provoking yet amusing studies. We mention examples such as the research on licking rocks to enhance visibility and a study on jamais vu, the opposite of déjà vu. We acknowledge our l