Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

298: Setting the Record Straight on Breastfeeding Myths and Facts w/ Dr. Stephanie Libs



If You Want To Have a Successful Breastfeeding Journey, You Should: Surround yourself with supportive and knowledgeable professionals to help you Let your baby control how much they are eating Be mindful and prepared for the barriers you will face Create a journey that works for you and your baby   Breastfeeding has been a taboo subject for decades too long. Normalizing breastfeeding will make it easier for mamas to seek out support while struggling and not shame mamas for doing the best they can. Getting real about the barriers you will face as a new mom and the benefits of this amazing time is key to opening up the conversation and shining a light on your breastfeeding journey.   The Breastfeeding Doc: Dr. Steph Libs Dr. Stephanie Libs is a pediatric and prenatal chiropractor in San Diego. After her own breastfeeding struggles, along with so many families in her office struggling, she quickly has become the “breastfeeding doc.” Dr. Steph is my go-to lactation consultant who personally helped me on my b