Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

294: How to Make The Right Exercise Work for You Post Pandemic w/ Debra Atkinson



If You Are Ready to Recommit Yourself to Exercise, You Should: Create healthy metabolic habits by finding a way to hold yourself accountable Establish a base by trying different exercises that allow you to listen to your body Prioritize strength training and reaching muscular fatigue rather than burnout As women, we have been conditioned to believe that the harder and longer we work out, the better results and metabolism we'll get. While regular movement is critical for our heart, bones, brain, metabolism, hormones, and muscle, it is about the type of exercise and the length of time that really make a difference. Flipping 50 With Debra Atkinson Debra Atkinson has helped over 200,000 women “flip” their second half with the vitality and energy they want. A wellness coach, hormone balancing expert, and the founder of Flipping 50, Debra is passionate about helping both women and men get metabolically fit through methods they enjoy and provide powerful lifestyle changes. With her 37-years of full-time fitness