Access With Julia

2. Episode 2 with Dr. Anthony Mattis



Show Notes A true trophy wife actually makes her husband feel well about himself, look well and has more of a sense of who he is and has more of a sense of greatness in his world. Each person receiving from each other and contributing what they can. The whole subject of trophy wife brings up a lot of judgment in people’s worlds- good or bad. If you got to choose relationship, the contribution should be to make each other’s lives 10 times greater. Trophy wife too is about the age difference, more than about the money. Tool: Universe, what would it take to be surrounded by the most kind, conscious, happy, different, joyful, nurturing people on this planet? What will it take for them to show up? I asked for people who were really funny and interested in consciousness. A trophy wife relationship includes a kindness to facilitate somebody to have more of a self worth and more sense of themselves. “Wanted to be a space for people to be everything they are.” - Dr. Anthony Mattis “Got over my point of view