Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

259: Creating Emotional Resilience Throughout the Four Phases of Your Cycle w/ Lucy Peach



If You Want to Find Emotional Resilience In Each Phase of Your Cycle, You Should: Reframe how you view the four stages of your period and the unique peaks and valleys in each one Embrace and recognize what you need at different times of the month Listen to your body and trust your body to send you signals as to what it needs Track your cycle to help you plan for what your body needs at each phase of the month   We have talked about how to honor your body through the four different stages of your menstrual cycle, but have you ever considered how to honor your emotions? You can harness your menstrual cycle to create more energy, joy, and confidence for yourself by embracing the emotional changes that happen throughout the four phases of your menstrual cycle.    It Is Time to Invest in Yourself Lucy Peach is a period preacher from Perth, Australia. With a background in human biology, sexual health education, and performance art, she combines these facets to empower and inspire people with periods to see the