Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

BONUS: How to Create New Possibilities & Achieve Your Dreams at Any Stage (Re-release)



WHAT WE’RE TALKING ABOUT IN THIS EPISODE Things you can do on a daily basis to create the beautiful life you desire Why you need to embrace being the manager of your own mood for better results The importance of making space for dreaming and how to make your dreams come true Overcoming the cultural messages of your 40’s, 50’s and 60’s in order to thrive How to turn your life around with intentional relationships EPISODE SUMMARY After almost 21 years as the executive producer of the Oprah Winfrey Show and co-president of Harpo Studios and the Oprah Winfrey Network, Sheri Salata realized that she had created the career of her dreams, but didn’t have the life of her dreams. This inspired Sheri to forge a new path for herself and redefine ‘the middle of life’ to create the dream life she wanted for herself. Sheri’s new book, The Beautiful No, is so powerful that you will want to gift it to every important woman in your life. An epic talk about life lessons and creating your dreams at any age, Sheri is reima