Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

248: The Truth Behind the Undiagnosed Epidemic of Cellular Hypothyroidism w/ Dr. Eric Balcavage and Dr. Kelly Halderman



If You Want to Improve Your Overall Health You Should: Address which areas of your life you inherently know could use some improving. Embrace the foundational principles of health that can help you adapt more easily to what you cannot control. Improve your overall sense of well-being so that the likelihood of chronic thyroid issues starts to go down.   Millions of people worldwide, especially women, are struggling with low thyroid function but have no idea. When it comes to thyroid issues, being misdiagnosed is common, mainly because there is no test to identify hypothyroidism.  While there may not be a test, the good news is there are multiple free and straightforward ways that you can start supporting your body and reversing cellular hypothyroidism before it becomes a bigger problem.   Foundational Principles of Health with Dr. Eric Balcavage and Dr. Kelly Halderman Dr. Eric Balcavage and Dr. Kelly Halderman are thyroid experts and authors of the new book, The Thyroid Debacle. Dr. Eric and Dr. Kelly too