Fermented Adventure The Podcast

Holistic Spirits Company - Amy Holmwood



This episode features Amy Holmwood of Holistic Spirits Company. Amy was seeking a spirit that was "less unhealthy" for herself and her family. An entrepreneur from early childhood, she started to get to work on creating the perfect product that solved a problem. Being that her and her husband are into health and wellness, as well as natural solutions, they wondered how can the body metabolize alcohol better. The team has produced a cutting edge spirit that employs science and nature. This captivating episode shares the journey and educates on how Origen Vodka and Harmony Gin came to fruition. Pick up your own bottle and DRINK HOLISTIC. (801) 203-0032 - www.DrinkHolistic.com - Instagram Highlights From Our Discussion: Bar Convent Brooklyn Pubmed.com Blue Zones Muscadine Grape Paulk Vineyards Woody Harrelson Casamigos Lib Dib Radnor Hunt Club Roger Wilco