Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

550: Metabolic and Hormone Secrets to Staying Hot, Happy and Thriving After 40 and Beyond with Dr. Tyna Moore



What if you could choose how to spend your time NOW so you don't lose precious hours with loved ones down the road? That’s what you need to consider when you make daily decisions. Because as your body transitions over time, your risk for disease increases if you’re not careful. But today, Dr. Tyna joins me to discuss choosing to take care of yourself and do everything in your power to keep your metabolic engine running. From building muscle, to lowering inflammation, to taking hormones to extend your reproductive longevity– we dive into it all in this podcast.  So are you looking to maintain good metabolic health in perimenopause and menopause for a long and healthy life?  Listen now to take charge of your life– no matter what stage you’re in! Dr. Tyna Moore Dr. Tyna Moore has nearly three decades of experience as a medical professional. She’s a leading expert in holistic regenerative medicine and resilient metabolic health. As a naturopathic physician and chiropractic, she brings a unique perspective to tho