Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

549: How to Prepare for The Hormone Shift and Thrive in Midlife and Beyond with Dr. Taz Bhatia



Entering midlife can feel like a huge adjustment. But amidst the physical, emotional, and hormonal changes happening once we hit our 40s and beyond, it’s essential for you to remember how much life you have left to live.  Integrative medicine practitioner Dr. Tasneem Bhatia joins me today for a deep dive into the always-changing hormones that come with perimenopause and menopause. But with her guidance, she’ll help you harness the power of your hormones to help you live your best life.  With her years of experience in integrative, functional, and holistic medicine, she’s on a mission to empower one million women to uncover their innate superpowers, and to restore their health and wellbeing.  And with the knowledge she shares with you in this podcast, you’ll be eager to take charge of your hormones. So you can enhance longevity and create a life you love. So join Dr. Taz and me here for insight into the midlife hormone shift and what you can do to feel great at any age!  Dr. Tasneem Bhatia Dr. Tasneem Bhatia