Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

547: What You Need to Know About the OPill and Hormone Changes in Perimenopause with Dr. Carrie Jones



Hormone shifts and changes are inevitable for us as women. Aren’t we lucky?! In all seriousness– I know you’ve felt these changes in your body.  Take your menstrual cycle, for example. One moment estrogen and testosterone rally together, and you feel on top of the world right before ovulation. Then, just a couple of weeks later, progesterone and estrogen bottom out, and it can feel like everything in your body is working against you.  And then there’s how your body feels when on hormonal birth control– which I discuss in today's episode with renowned Naturopath Dr. Carrie Jones. Or even during the long 10+ year perimenopause transition when everything is up in the air. We also discuss the new FDA-cleared, over-the-counter mini pill called the Opill– which is about to hit drugstores. We want you to understand all the options, concerns, and risks around an over-the-counter pill.  And lastly, we talk about how improving your metabolic health is the biggest lever you can pull if you want a healthy, thriving body