

What We’re Talking About In This Episode! The importance of filling your cup first Learn the common PCOS symptoms you might not know you have Changing your negative thinking into open embracement How to think like a diva!   Episode Summary:  Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, is a common hormonal problem and one of the leading causes of fertility issues among women. It's such a common problem that I've received 50+ emails from all of you begging me to touch on this incredibly important topic, so get ready ladies, because today is the day. Over 5 million American women are affected by PCOS, including today's guest and my best friend, Amy Medling. Shockingly, 50%-75% of women who have PCOS are undiagnosed, and those who receive diagnoses often are not able to explore all of their natural health options because they just don’t know where to start. In this episode, Amy shares with us exactly how to thrive while living with PCOS! After being diagnosed with PCOS, Amy felt that she was not given proper informa