Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

010: Environmental Chemicals & Hormones: What Every Woman Needs To Know with Lara Adler



What We’re Talking About In This Episode!  The implications of chemicals and toxins on our health A list of chronic health issues that can come from out of whack hormones How endocrine disruptors are the culprit of many of today’s weight issues Simple changes that can have the biggest impact on reducing and removing toxins from your body Steps to quicken the process of toxin elimination What you should consume to fight off toxins and what you should avoid to eliminate toxins   Episode Summary: Most of us are aware of at least some the toxins in our daily lives, but do you know the chronic illnesses that are associated with them? These toxins are in the things we eat, drink, touch, and they’re slowly killing us. Today’s guest drops some important knowledge on how these toxins get into our bodies, what they’re doing to us, and most importantly, how we can eliminate them. Lara Adler is an environmental toxins expert, educator, and certified holistic health coach who has made it her life's work to help bot