Bliss Boss Talks

#07 - Prepare For Rapid Growth & Avoid Sabotage



During times of rapid growth it is easy to allow self sabotage to derail your progress and knock you off course.  Don’t let it!  In this Bliss Boss Pep Talk I go over my 4 pillars for avoiding sabotage and preparing for huge growth.  You have to know your sabotage triggers and your core needs around them so you can allow room for serious growth, and expansion.  Allow for downtime and expect resistance during this time, but remember the major grounding principles for your thriving lifestyle to overcome the resistance and sabotage.  You got this! Topics covered: Get prepared for expansive growth Health Space Time Relationships Asking for your needs Identifying your sabotage triggers   Interested in learning about my EMBODY program?   7 Steps to Magnetic Embodiment Guidebook: Did you grab your Guidebook yet? This Guidebook will show you the foundation of magnetic embodiment. These 7 steps can quickly and easily open the door to you living your best life, doing things that l