Evolved Finance

TBL Episode 225: Melissa Dlugolecki - Founder of Founder of MD Coaching & Consulting



“Money will fuel things, just like food will fuel things. So I see money as an energy source now rather than something that should be feared.” This week, Parker chats with Melissa Dlugolecki about her financial journey. Melissa Dlugolecki is a “regular person” who has created “irregular results”. As a bereaved mother, she worked through the overwhelming pain of her grief and now hosts a globally top-ranked podcast, Grief and Guts, which is designed to show people what is possible for them, no matter what their circumstances are. Her work's mission is to show people their possibility through entrepreneurship, as she coaches and consults on business strategy, bringing creative ideas and always grounds into authenticity. She has built her own 6 & 7-figure businesses and has coached over 1000 others into their dream life. Melissa’s entrepreneurial journey is both fascinating and full of surprises. Not only did she start amidst a painful grief journey, she was 100K in debt at the time she invested in her first