Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#84: Living With A Child Fighting Cancer (with guests Bo and Nicole White)



Dealing with a child that has cancer is an extremely difficult situation no matter what the circumstances are in your family. The difficulty is multiplied when one parent is a member of the military. Continuing the conversation from last episode, Dr. Meg talks with Bo and Nicole White, an “average” military couple, about how they balanced Bo’s deployments while they dealt with their son’s battle with cancer. Also in this episode, Dr. Meg gives you her points to ponder that you can start using right away! Dr. Meeker also answers a question from a mom about her teenage son’s frustration about limited screen time. If you have a question you want Dr. Meeker to answer, email them to askmeg@megmeekermd.comand listen to future episodes to see if your question is featured!   0:00 – AD – BETTER HELP TeenCounseling.comconnects your 13 to 19-year-old with a licensed professional counselor right where they spend most of their time, on their smartphone. Simply complete a short questionnaire and you'll be matched with a