Weddings For Real

250. Podcast Roundup: WeddingMBA, Workcations, and Getting Off The Hustle Hamster Wheel



Hey friends! Today's episode is a short roundup of a few things I want to share with you, including my thoughts on my upcoming trip to Wedding MBA, my recent Planners Vault Workcation, tips for you on planning your own Workcation, and a quick hitting conversation with my friend Ashley Ebert of The Abundance Group on how to know if you've hired the right team member. Resources Mentioned: Ashley Ebert's Training: November 14th, 11:00 am CT - #1 Secret to Building High-Performing Teams Wedding MBA Bash Tuesday November 7th, 6PM-8PM, Renaissance Hotel Las Vegas - November 13th-15th 2023 - a high-value, pitch-free education and coworking experience crafted for dedicated wedding pros like you. Previous Episodes Mentioned 143. Do You Need a Workcation? Yes, You Do! 244. BTS of My Industry Educators' Retreat  (01:30) What's happening at Wedding MBA (I'll be up on stage 3 times in 24 hours!) (04:00) What happened at the recent Planner's Vault Workcation? (07:30) How do you build a team? And w