Open Collar

118. Apologies to the couple in the row infront.



**Episode 118 Recap: "Week in Review, Ghostbusters, Movember, Mustache Matches, and Marvel Moments!"** In the latest episode of Open Collar, here's a glimpse of the exciting discussions we shared: We started by unpacking the week's events, reflecting on the happenings that caught our attention. We then delved into the Ghostbusters Frozen Empire trailer, exploring the franchise and its impact. A check-in on Vishal's Movember Campaign revealed how his fundraising efforts are progressing. We got into the second round matchups of the mustache tournament and reviewed our Mustache Movie entry, "No Holds Barred." In Geek News, we shared our thoughts on the release of "The Marvels" and discussed the finale of "Loki" Season 2. Join the conversation and share your thoughts with us! Stay tuned for more engaging discussions and exciting content in upcoming episodes.