Ideal Protein Health Approach

How to Maintain the "RE-GAIN"



We have all experienced it, either personally or observing someone else: the REGAIN! The weight is lost, you are feeling great and then the pounds begin to creep back on. You are not alone. Without a plan, it happens to the most well intentioned and disciplined of dieters. The key phrase here is “without a plan”. You must plan to succeed! Published in the New England Journal of Medicine 2006, The STOP REGAIN study showed that successful dieters who maintained regular and scheduled face-to-face time with their weight loss clinic, gained 5lbs or less, compared to the control group, for a period of 18 months. For years, we have been talking about the importance (and difficulty) of maintaining a healthy weight. Recognizing the need for a plan, Ideal Protein has developed the Lifestyle Living program that provides ongoing support for that crucial first year after significant weight loss! Join us as Dr. Zumbado discusses the 3 things that are key to successfully managing the regain. Dr. Zumbado's Lifestyle Communit