Ideal Protein Health Approach

SUGAR ADDICTION: Breaking the Cycle



Do you constantly crave sugar and carbs? Do you have brain fog? Are you exercising and still gaining weight? Have you been diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder? This week’s broadcast features Diet, Health & Lifestyle Coach, Susan Radway. We will be talking about breaking the cycle of sugar addiction. Susan’s Bio: I began my journey into a healthy lifestyle through illness. I was diagnosed with several debilitating autoimmune diseases in 2001 that had left me bedridden for 4 months and debilitated for almost 18 months. This was an ongoing fight for me over the next 11 years. After working with many different physicians over many years with no relief, I found the answers I needed in the foods I chose to eat. My journey to health began by losing 50 pounds and learning how to eat for nourishment, rather than eating to feel full. I opened Ideal Weight Loss Health & Wellness in 2012, with the desire to help others find the relief and happiness that I feel everyday. I believe health is the connection betwe