Ideal Protein Health Approach

BLOOD PRESSURE & DIABETES: How they Start Changing as You Start Losing



Timeline: Introduction 6:30 Regarding blood pressure, what you need to know about medications and IP salt 10:30 When do you need to see your medical practictioner about changes to your BP meds 16:30 For diabetics - should you start on Phase I or the Alternative protocol 18:45 What is the ideal range for blood sugar levels 20:00 How soon do you need to adjust diabetes meds with your medical pratitioner 26:30 Type 2 diabetics - how often should you be self-testing blood sugars when starting phase I 29:00 What is Insulin Resistance, Syndrome X, Metabolic Syndrome 32:00 What is "Skinny Fat" 33:15 What is Leptin resistance 42:40 Ideas for Holiday Meals - phase 4 maintenance is higher fats and still low carbs Melissa's Bio: In April 2013, Melissa was finishing her 3rd maternity leave from her pharmacist role. After gaining more than 100lbs throughout her pregnancies, she knew she was missing something as far as nutrition goes and needed help for herself. That's when she discovered Ideal Protein. She then went on to