Hacks & Hobbies

E565 - Bob Gentle - How to Uncover Your Zone of Genius and Monetize Your Passion



In this episode, we got to speak with Bob Gentle. Bob has worked in the field of digital marketing for nearly twenty years, most of the time running his agency. He now works with a handful of corporate clients but focuses on helping personal brand entrepreneurs fine-tune their product or business model, then find and build an audience online and compete against larger businesses with deeper pockets. He does this through niche personal brand agency services, speaking, consulting, and workshops as well as group-based or one-on-one programs of hybrid coaching, consulting, and training. Alongside this, he hosts the ‘The Personal Brand Entrepreneur Show’. Rated in the global top 2% of all podcasts ( Listenotes ), Bob interviews trailblazing creators, niche influencers, consultants, and business owners. While the podcast scratches the curiosity itch’ for Bob, it also fuels and shapes his client work, keeping him very current and connected to what’s working ‘right now’. Bob lives in Scotland with his wife an