Josie And The Podcast

Should We Stop Hiring Students to Help with Social Strategy?



Our tree is up, the lights are lit, and the annual gingerbread house competition has been scheduled. It is officially the holiday season. As I reflect on the past year and look ahead to what's coming in 2024, this year theme as been all about students.  My work approach and philosophy are centered; on who we are here to serve, and usually in higher ed, that is, our students. My work approach and philosophy are centered on the people we are here to serve, and in higher education, that is, our students. In marketing and communications, students are integrated in all formal and informal ways and titles, from student workers, interns, influencers, ambassadors, and student employees. But the TL;DR version of this is students won't solve all your problems,  and when you bring them on, there can be a lot of challenges. A lot of them. So, is it worth it?  Students having an active part in your campus social media strategy can be significantly impactful - but you’ll need to find and hire the right students, provide t